Native American Crafts
Products and Jewellery

Sweetgrass 6 cards/pack each card has a sachet of the herb to burn - Latitude Imports

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Herb Greeting Cards   H78

Native American Products Herb Greeting Cards H78

Latitude Imports catalogue of native american crafts, products and jewellery include Herb Greeting Cards.


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Our code: H78
Sweetgrass 6 cards/pack each card has a sachet of the herb to burn

Retail price: £TBC

Sweetgrass 6 cards/pack each card has a sachet of the herb to burn

Browse : Herb Greeting Cards


Copal 6 cards / pack each card has a sachet of the resin to burn

Copal 6 cards / pack each card has a sachet of the resin to burn

Retail price: £17.00


Cedar 6 cards / pack each card has a sachet of the herb to burn

Cedar 6 cards / pack each card has a sachet of the herb to burn

Retail price: £17.00


Copal + Cedar + sweetgrass 3 x 6 card packs

Copal + Cedar + sweetgrass 3 x 6 card packs

Retail price: £48.00