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Hand embroidered ornaments, Mexico - Latitude Imports

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Our code: S55
Hand embroidered ornaments, Mexico

Retail price: £6.50

Hand embroidered ornaments, Mexico

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Hand embroidered ornaments, Mexico

Hand embroidered ornaments, Mexico

Retail price: £6.50


Rabbit pelt, hand-painted, wolf, buffalo, bear, eagle, horse

Rabbit pelt, hand-painted, wolf, buffalo, bear, eagle, horse

Retail price: £22.40


Soapstone Plaque, Ojibwa, 6 x 3 inch dancer/ lacrosse player

Soapstone Plaque, Ojibwa, 6 x 3 inch dancer/ lacrosse player

Retail price: £16.00


Beaded Lizard 15 cm. Mexico

Beaded Lizard 15 cm. Mexico

Retail price: £13.00


Dolls boy and girl. 7 inches, Mexico

Dolls boy and girl. 7 inches, Mexico

Retail price: £10.00