Native American Crafts
Products and Jewellery

Large painting with wood frame, velvet 24 x 20 inch Mexico - Latitude Imports

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Shields Mandellas Medicine Wheels   D58

NatIve American Products Shields Mandellas Medicine Wheels D58

Latitude Imports catalogue of native american crafts, products and jewellery include Shields Mandellas Medicine Wheels.


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Our code: D58
Large painting with wood frame, velvet 24 x 20 inch Mexico

Retail price: £34.00

Large painting with wood frame, velvet 24 x 20 inch Mexico

Browse : Shields Mandellas Medicine Wheels


Medicine wheel, Iroqouis 3 inch

Medicine wheel, Iroqouis 3 inch

Retail price: £15.00


Warrior shield 6 inch Mexico

Warrior shield 6 inch Mexico

Retail price: £21.20


Medicine wheel 4 inch Mexico

Medicine wheel 4 inch Mexico

Retail price: £5.90


Rabbit pelt Shield 14 inch Mexico

Rabbit pelt Shield 14 inch Mexico

Retail price: £31.50


Painted Shield wolf 4 inch Mexico

Painted Shield wolf 4 inch Mexico

Retail price: £14.90


Large painting with wood frame, velvet 24 x 20 inch Mexico

Large painting with wood frame, velvet 24 x 20 inch Mexico

Retail price: £34.00


Hand-painted velvet Shield 4 styles Mexico

Hand-painted velvet Shield 4 styles Mexico

Retail price: £30.00


Velvet Painting with wood frame 16 x 20 inch Mexico

Velvet Painting with wood frame 16 x 20 inch Mexico

Retail price: £24.00


End of Trail stamped leather shield 5 inch

End of Trail stamped leather shield 5 inch

Retail price: £8.00


Medicine wheel 4 inch, Navajo

Medicine wheel 4 inch, Navajo

Retail price: £13.00


Warrior Shield 8 inch Mexico

Warrior Shield 8 inch Mexico

Retail price: £21.20


Medicine Wheel 2 inch Native Canadian

Medicine Wheel 2 inch Native Canadian

Retail price: £8.60