Native American Crafts
Products and Jewellery

Moccasin split gold or tan 7-16sq.ft. gold, brown sale - Latitude Imports

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Hides Skins and Rawhide   K112

NatIve American Crafts Hides Skins and Rawhide K112

Latitude Imports catalogue of native american crafts, products and jewellery include Hides Skins and Rawhide.


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Our code: K112
Moccasin split gold or tan 7-16sq.ft. gold, brown sale

Retail price: £26.00

Moccasin split gold or tan 7-16sq.ft.  gold, brown  sale

Browse : Hides Skins and Rawhide


Moccasin split gold or tan 7-16sq.ft.  gold, brown  sale

Moccasin split gold or tan 7-16sq.ft. gold, brown sale

Retail price: £26.00


Rawhide babiche thong for making drums etc 15 metres long 10mm wide

Rawhide babiche thong for making drums etc 15 metres long 10mm wide

Retail price: £9.00


Deer skin gold, craft grade .£3.70 p.s.f. Sale

Deer skin gold, craft grade .£3.70 p.s.f. Sale

Retail price: £20.00


Deer skin black 13 square ft sale

Deer skin black 13 square ft sale

Retail price: £43.50


Deer skin splits, small pieces gold, by the pound 453g.

Deer skin splits, small pieces gold, by the pound 453g.

Retail price: £13.50


Deer skin splits, natural, by pound 453g

Deer skin splits, natural, by pound 453g

Retail price: £13.50


White deer trim,  by pound 453g

White deer trim, by pound 453g

Retail price: £21.00


Rawhide, Water Buffalo, round, diameter 48 inches

Rawhide, Water Buffalo, round, diameter 48 inches

Retail price: £77.00


Rawhide, Goat, round, diameter 38 inches

Rawhide, Goat, round, diameter 38 inches

Retail price: £27.00


Rawhide, Goat, full hide 12 sq.ft. Approx.

Rawhide, Goat, full hide 12 sq.ft. Approx.

Retail price: £30.00